Monday, March 28, 2011

Peer Review Worksheet

1)  I feel that my first sentence is attention grabbing as well as relevant to the topic.
2) My thesis is to the point.
3) I feel that my paper is well organized but i can develop my ideas a bit MORE.
4) Because it is my paper I'm not aware of any of my grammar mistakes. But I'm sure they are there!
5)I said what pages i found my information on.
6) I have well developed idea.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Alice's Diagnosis- First Draft.

Have you ever had a dream that was so vivid you thought it was real? We all know the story of Alice in Wonderland. Every character in this story is completely wacko. They can all be diagnosed with a variety of diseases. I chose to diagnose Alice with cognitive distortion.

Cognitive distortion is a type of defense mechanism. In this defense mechanism a person would unconsciously try to reduce anxiety. You would most likely dream what you are unconsciously thinking. Just like Alice. The definition of cognitive distortion is a gross reshaping of external reality to meet internal needs. Sound familiar? Cognitive distortion is broken down to several branches. I chose three in relation to Alice,and they are mental filter,emotional reasoning and magnification and minimization. This also known as the binocular trick.

In the story Alice in Wonderland Alice is a little girl with a very weird imagination. Assuming that Alice is a seven year old it is very hard for me to believe that she is a “normal child”. A dream is your subconscious thoughts. To have cognitive distortion means you are a negative person with self-defeating thoughts. Alice is constantly questioning others. As a seven year old shouldn’t you just listen to what you are told? Not Alice. Which brings me to my main diagnosis: Wonderland is Alice’s reshaped reality that meets her internal needs.

This brings me to my first point. It is known as the mental filter. According to psychologists this is when your vision of reality becomes darkened or distorted.When reading about Alice in her ‘wonderland’ my over all feeling is that it is Alice’s darkened view of her life. Many people can say its just a typical little girls imagination but hers appears different.Although we do not see what her life is like we can infer from her dream because dreams are your deep thoughts that lie in your subconscious. Alice appears to be a know it all seven year old.

Next is emotional reasoning. Alice always goes against what anyone else says. In the chapter when she joins the tea party. Like all seven year old she questions many of the characters. At the table is the Hatter, March Hare and the Dormouse. On page 97 the discussion begins and ends on 97 where each character bickers at what Alice is saying. I’m sure it is because she always has something to say. What made me think this is emotional reasoning is because the word hastily was used. This can be seen as a normal conversation but the word hastily means in a hurry.Emotional reasoning is making decisions and arguments based on intuitions or personal feeling rather than an objective rationale and evidence. Alice starts the argument by saying “I’m glad they’ve begun asking riddles-I believe I can guess that”. Followed by the March Hare saying “Do you mean that you think you can find out the answer to it?” She then gives her hastily remark. But the Hatter jumps in and explains the different between “I see what I eat and I eat what i see. The bickering can also be found on pages 99 and 101. Where she begins to pick at other things.

According to psychologist the binocular trick means to exaggerate the importance of things ,or you inappropriately shrink things until they appear tiny.In the dream its self Alice becomes big and small when she eats a cake she becomes small when she drinks she becomes big. Maybe that is her way is describing herself. Since we do not see what Alice’s real life is like we can infer that this can possibly be her reflection of herself. Perhaps she likes somethings about herself or surroundings more then others. The dream interpretation for shrinking reflects your feelings of unimportance. So this can mean she thinks little of herself at times. At since it is only sometimes. Perhaps it depends on her surroundings.

Cognitive distortion can relate to other characters as well. What makes it stick out the most in Alice is its her dream,and her mind. Which worries me because she is so young and has such a negative perception. Alice can get help.Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of talking therapy, that aims to solve problems dealing with your inner emotions.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Proposal " A crazy bad wonderful idea."

I don't have just one idea when trying to connect Alice in Wonderland to anything psychological. The story can link to many different things.I think I'm going to focus on:
Dreaming & Sleeping-
Dream- Each charachter in wonderland can represent someone in 'real life'
Sleep - When having the sleeping disorder insomnia you make be unsure what is real and what isn't.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Alice in Wonderland

As I was growing up I always enjoyed the story Alice in Wonderland. The story is very interesting. Re-reading the story always seems fun. I catch different things in the story that I didn't notice before. The story begins with Alice talking to her sister and then see's the rabbit that brings her to wonderland. He brings her into a room where she comes across the 'eat me' cake and 'drink me' bottle.  In the second chapter she floods a hall with her tears and talks to the mouse.

Monday, March 14, 2011

About Me

Hello, my name is Ericka Freyre. My last name is pronounced Fray-er for those of you who don't know how to pronounce it.  I am 19 years old. I have four brothers and finally a baby sister on the way. I am a painter , but the chances of me being recognized as one are slim to none. I do it because I enjoy it, not to become famous or anything. I would like to be a science or history teacher. Not really sure yet. I'm not good at writing about myself. And im pretty sure I was staring at the first two sentences for sometime now. But now its just flowing. Maybe because im typing a load of crap! But atleast its coming to me. I dont think i'll post this. Maybe just show it to Kelly. I met Kelly in our first semester. We had a writing class together. I'm going to have to do this over when I get home. 

On a more serious note. I am a pretty quiet person, I enjoy listening to music. My favorite band is Emarosa. I used to go to alot of shows to see alot of different bands. Its been a while. Im in a relationshiop with a guy I met in kindergarten. We have changed alot since then. Hes a lifeguard. I like to say hes my muse. Its pretty silly. But he sorta inspires me. When i first started painting it was just for a class but then i fell in love with it. I have 12 painting done so far. I have only 2 of them. The current one im working on is train tracks going into a pool of water. The painting is zoomed in on just  what looks like train tacks in water. Its pretty great so far.
The majority of my paintings are just abstract. I totally suck at still life.

I dont watch T.V. I stick to netflix. Im currently addicted to Desperate Housewives. My favorite show is The Office. I absolutely love The Office.

This is a little about me..i'll be sure to write more later.