Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Matrix & The Mono-myth

The "hero" is given a choice

Ericka Freyre
The Matrix & The Mono-myth
June 7, 2011

Everyone enjoys hearing adventurous stories about a hero that comes from nothing and rises above. According to Joseph Campbell every hero is destined to be sent on their quest. In The Matrix, Neo goes on a step by step journey that a "hero" in Joseph Campbell’s theory must undergo.

In Joseph Campbell’s theory the mono-myth  is a twelve stage hero’s journey. This is commonly found in numerous Hollywood movies such as Star Wars and The Wizard of Oz. One in particular is The Matrix. In this there is a basic three act structure (Benzite). It starts off in what is considered the ordinary world then to the special world and back to the ordinary world. There are many stages into the journey. The first stage is being in the ordinary world, then call to adventure, refusal of the call, meeting the mentor, crossing the threshold, tests allies and enemies, approach to the inmost cave, ordeal, reward, the road back, resurrection, and lastly the return with the elixir(Vogler). The first five stages take place in the ordinary world, and the next five are in the special world then finally the last two are back in the ordinary world.

In the Matrix Neo was sent on his quest that a hero must undergo to bring change and have some kind of knowledge when they return. The first stage is the character known as the hero in an ordinary world. The hero is normally a character that can be considered a recluse. Neo does not fit into his environment. After the intense fight scene we finally meet Neo where he comes into the movie asleep and is woken up to his computer. This can be a display of boredom. Sleep can be connected to boredom. At work, he called into his boss’s office where he seems distracted as he stares out the window. Here we can also infer he doesn’t like his job. He also has a side job as a hacker. His hacker name is Neo and, his work name is Thomas A. Anderson.

The second stage of his journey is the call to adventure. In this stage is the point in a person's life when they are told that there life is going to change ( Vogler). In the Matrix Neo received his calling when the computer (Morpheus) told him “follow the white rabbit.” The white rabbit was a tattoo on his clients girlfriends shoulder. At first he did not see the importance of this and it led him to Trinity they met in the club to which the white rabbit brought him to. She walks over to him and brings him in when she says “He told me that no one should look for the answer unless they have to because once you see it, everything changes.  Your life and the world you live in will never be the same.  It's as if you wake up one morning and the sky is falling” (Wachowski).  At this exact moment, Neo appeared to be captured by Trinity’s words. According to Vogler’s explanation on Campbell’s mono-myth this is when his ordinary world is disrupted and he is presented with the challenge that must be undertaken. What is the Matrix?

The third and fourth stage somewhat rely on one another. Just as all of the stages do but these two stands out to me the most. This is exactly when the adventure to finding one’s self begins, and this is when the hero receives his calling (Stroud). The fourth stage is when Neo meets his mentor. Stage three begins when Neo then receives his message from Trinity and he finally talks to Morpheus. Morpheus helps Neo escape from the Agents that are out to get him because he is “the one”.  Morpheus guides him to safety but out of fear which is the fourth stage (refusal of the call) he is captured by the agents. In the mono-myth this is brought on by the refusal of the call that in a result of refusal is suffering.. When he finally meets Morpheus they become acquainted in a room with two chairs. Neo finally gets to decide his destiny because he does not believe in fate. He is finally given a choice. According to the mono-myth in the time of finally meeting the mentor the hero is given something of great importance (Vogher).Morpheus asks Neo to choose between a blue pill or red pill. The blue pill will allow him to continue his life in the Matrix never knowing the true “reality”. The red pill opens up his mind and allows him to gain knowledge he never had before. He obviously chooses the red pill. Thus ultimately awakening Neo into reality or what truly is the Matrix.

In crossing the threshold (stage five) Neo finally enters The Matrix from being connected on the Nebuchadnezzar while he is “asleep.”  This is the beginning of Neo’s journey with his eyes open. When he finally see’s the Matrix for what it really is. In a “hero’s journey”, after he receives his calling the hero may do it whether it is willingly or he is forced to. He must make a cross between the world he is familiar with and one he is not. Thus bringing forth the change in the three act structure and finally being introduced into being in the special world (Benzite).  Neo is finally in the seat where he appears to be reborn onto the ship where he faces doubt with if he wants to stay on the ship with the crew.

After being in the Matrix for so long Morpheus brings Neo into the training program. This is where he tests Neo’s skills as a fighter through the knowledge the crew member Tank gives to him through this training program. It was said that “the one” would be fast enough to fight off the Agents, particularly Agent Smith. Stage six is about testing your(the hero’s) allies and enemies. The hero is brought out of his comfort zone and is given a series of challenges that will test him to see if he reaches the standards. His fight against Morpheus was preparation for when he fought against Agent Smith. At first he was difficult for Neo to fight but then he succeeds. Stage six is tests allies, and enemies. In this stage the location the character is in will bring terrible danger.

The seventh stage is known as the approach to the inmost cave. The settings in which the hero is in may appear to be dangerous. I see this as the scene when Trinity and Neo go back to save Morpheus. This scene is the most interesting because it shows how far Neo has come from when he first arrived on the ship. Although this is not the final battle, this is when Neo comes face to face with his fear and helps him understand his journey more. What awaits him is his final match when he goes head to head with Agent Smith.

Neo is faced with the eighth stage when the agents are breaking into the system. Neo and Trinity are trying to escape by going into the phone booth. This get away was very important because in this scene is when the hero must come face to face with the crisis he must survive. Neo and Agent Smith begin their fight. Neo finally becomes intact with his powers and the abilities that only “the one” has. He sees the Matrix for what it truly is and becomes stronger and faster than Agent Smith. In this he is overcoming stage nine when he reaches his greatest challenge and gets his reward ,Neo’s strength against Agent Smith increases to its highest capacity(stage nine).As he remains in the “ordinary world” throughout the battle he dies before he can beat Agent Smith(stage ten). When he resurrects to become stronger and faster he defeats the Agents and goes back onto the ship (stage eleven). This is when Neo is finally at the final stage. In this case when Neo returns the elixir isn’t a sword or a ruby pair slippers, Neo returns with great strength and the knowledge that he is the one.

Throughout the stages you notice a drastic change in Neo’s character he becomes more aware of his surroundings and isn’t the odd one anymore. On the ship he fits in and finally belongs. He gains knowledge throughout his quest and defeats the bad guys maintaining the role of a hero.

For more on scripts and a hero's journey: